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School Health Services

Student Backpack Information

During the 2017 Alabama legislative session, the Alabama legislature passed a resolution requiring school districts to:

  1. educate all school administrators, teachers, parents, and students be educated about the potential health impact of heavy backpacks and take proactive measures to avoid injury
  2. work with their parent-teacher organizations to assess the extent to which students use overweight backpacks and to promote innovative homework strategies, lessening the need to take all school materials and books back and forth each day
  3. consider the following points when developing their backpack education talking points: (1) Backpacks should weigh no more than a maximum of 10 percent of a child's body weight (2) Encourage ergonomic backpacks with individualized compartments to efficiently hold books and equipment  (3) Encourage children to wear both shoulder straps and not sling the backpack over one shoulder (4) Encourage wide, padded adjustable straps that fit a child's body (5) Encourage the heaviest books be left at school and handouts or workbooks be used for homework assignments (6) Schools should consider moving toward e-textbooks as federal and state funding becomes available (7) Schools should consider integrated education about backpacks by using a hanging scale in the classroom, allowing students to weigh their backpack and enter the results into a graph that would track the weights, and then look at the data to determine what may be done to lighten loads.

For more information, please visit:

For a copy of the resolution, click here

Meningococcal Disease and Vaccine

The Alabama Legislature enacted Senate Joint Resolution 26 (Act No. 2006-54) urging the State Department of Education and the Alabama Department of Public Health to collaboratively focus on efforts to educate parents and students entering 6th, 10th, and 12th grades about the disease, including causes, symptoms, how it is spread, how to obtain additional information about the disease and the availability, effectiveness and risk of vaccination against the disease.

What is meningococcal disease?

Meningococcal disease is a serious illness, caused by bacteria. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children 2-18 years old in the United States.

How do you catch the disease?

The bacteria that causes meningococcal disease are very common. The disease is most common in children and people with certain medical conditions that affect their immune system. College freshmen, living in dormitories, also have increased risk of getting the disease. The disease is spread through exchange of respiratory droplets or saliva with an infected person including kissing, coughing,sneezing and sharing drinking glasses and eating utensils. In a few people, the bacteria overcome the body’s immune system and pass through the lining of the nose and throat into the blood stream where they cause meningitis. Meningitis is a term that describes inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Stiff neck
  • Red rash
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting

Meningococcal vaccine: Who should get the vaccine and when?

MCV4, or the meningococcal vaccine, is recommended for all children 11-12 years of age and for unvaccinated adolescents at high school entry level (15 years of age). High school seniors should also consider obtaining the vaccine prior to entering college,especially if they are planning on living in a dormitory. Please consult your physician or local health department for more information.For more information on this and other vaccine recommendations go to

Additional information may be found here.

Important Information on Influenza and Influenza Vaccine

The Alabama Legislature enacted Act No. 2017-368 requiring the State Department of Education and local school systems to provide information on influenza disease and its vaccine to parents and guardians of students whenever other health information is provided.

This information includes:

  1. A description of causes, symptoms, and means of transmission.
  2. A list of sources for additional information.
  3. Related recommendations issued by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This information is found here or by visiting

Immunization Requirements

According to Alabama Law (§16-30-4, Code of Alabama) Boards of Education shall require each pupil who is otherwise entitled to admittance to present an Alabama Certificate of Immunization. Therefore, no student will be admitted to Talladega County Schools without this certificate of immunization. These certificates may be obtained from the Talladega County Health Department or your local physician.

Medication / Medical Conditions

All medications (prescription and over the counter) must be brought in and signed in by the parent, guardian, or their designee to the school nurse or medication assistant. A prescriber/parent authorization is required. All medication should be signed out and picked up by a parent, guardian, or their designee at the end of the school year; or when discontinued by a physician, or when medication expires. Prescription medications require signed authorization/order from a licensed prescriber. It must include student name, medication name, dosage, route (e.g. oral, inhalant, topical), frequency and time to be administered, discontinue date and drug allergies and reactions. The order should state any special instructions and indicate whether the student can self-administer and self-carry. An authorization is required at the beginning of each school year. If the medication order changes during the year, an additional authorization is required. No physician order will be changed by the request of the parent. Prescription medications must be in original pharmacy container with clear pharmacy label. The label must match the physician authorization. If medications are to be administered on an “as needed” basis, the order must state the times and frequency. Over the counter medications will be accepted under limited circumstances. No more than a six (6) week supply will be accepted. Over the counter medications must be in the original, unopened, sealed container with manufacturer’s label intact. Students name must be written on the bottle, not obstructing the label or directions for use. Over the counter medications must be age/weight appropriate. No over-the-counter migraine or asthma medications will be accepted unless prescribed by a physician. The authorization will include student name, parent contact information, height, weight, age and any special instructions. The parent must indicate what specific conditions/complaints in which the medication can be given. Students may be permitted to self-carry and self-administer their medications for chronic health conditions provided certain requirements are met. If self-carrying/administering is requested by the physician and parent, a conference with school staff and the school nurse is necessary to determine if the required criteria are met. For students with ongoing health needs, an “Individual Health Plan” as part of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, will be developed for each student. The determination of the Individual Health Plan will be based upon information provided in the Health Assessment Record.

Head Lice Policy

The Alabama Department of Public Health’s recommended guidelines for control of head lice in school will be followed.

1. When head lice are found, the student is sent home with instructions as to proper treatment.

2. The student should return to school the following morning accompanied by a parent or responsible parent designee. The student will be rechecked. The student will not be allowed to return to class until he/she is rechecked and found to be lice free; or presents a Health Department or physician’s statement of verification that the student is lice free.

3. If nits/eggs are present, the student will be sent home with treatment instructions. The student will be allowed to return to school the following day with a parent/parent designee to be rechecked. If it is determined by the principal/designee or the school nurse that there are no nits/eggs present or that there is a significant improvement as a result of treatment, then the student may remain at school.

4. Students are excused the first three (3) days of treatment. Unless extenuating circumstances are approved by the principal, all other absences due to lice are unexcused.

5. Students who continue to have unexcused absences due to lice should be referred to the Department of Human Resources and Juvenile Court.

Fever Policy

According to medical professionals, a temperature above 100.5 is considered contagious; therefore, a student with a temperature 100.5 or above must go home. Student must be fever free for 24 hours, without the use of a fever reducing medicine, before coming back to school.





Talladega County Schools works within the guidelines provided by the Alabama State Board of Nursing and the Alabama State Department of Education to provide health services for our students in order to improve their academic achievement. Currently the district employs three RNs and twelve LPNs in our schools. 

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