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Student Assessment

Students are assessed annually utilizing state-mandated assessments. In addition, students are assessed periodically utilizing the formative assessment tools provided by the District. 

Student achievement result information can be found on the ALSDE website ( under Reports and Data - School Performance - Proficiency.

ALSDE Accountability Data

Student Achievement Results were released by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE). 

This information is available at the ALSDE website ( under Reports & Data, School Performance, Proficiency, 2023-2024 ELA Assessment, 2023-2024 Math Assessment, 2023-2024 Science Assessment.

Any questions you have regarding these reports may be directed to Mrs. Shareka Lee ( or 256-315-5135).   


Student Assessment Calendar for 2024-2025

State Mandated Assessments for 2024-2025


The ACAP Summative is the newest assessment in the line of assessments administered by the Alabama State Department of Education. The ACAP Summative will serve as the accountability measure for students in grades 2-8 in the areas of reading, math, and science. 

Reading and mathematics will be administered to all students in grades 2-8. Science will be administered to students in grades 4, 6,  and 8. 

The ACAP Summative will be administered in the Spring of each year. It is in an online format. Students can become familiar with the testing platform by visiting the practice site


ACT – American College Testing

  • Norm-referenced test taken in grades 11 and 12. This is also state-mandated and given to every 11th-grade student in the spring of each school year.
  • Compares individuals and groups with a national norming group.
  • Assesses student ability in English usage, reading (social studies, science, art/literature), mathematics usage, and science reasoning.
  • Used to compare student performance with similar schools/school systems (socio-economic, size, etc.).
  • Used to plan college selection.

The ACT Plus Writing is used for the accountability measure for grades 9-12 under the current accountability plan for Alabama. 


ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce. This series of tests measures foundational and soft skills and offers specialized assessments to target institutional needs.

As part of ACT's Work Readiness System, ACT WorkKeys has helped millions of people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies build their skills to increase global competitiveness and develop successful career pathways.

Successful completion of ACT WorkKeys assessments in Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information can lead to earning ACT's National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), a portable credential earned by more than 1 million people across the United States.

PreACT Secure 

The PreACT Secure is a multiple-choice assessment that offers 10th graders early experience with ACT test items, provides a predicted ACT test score, and offers a wealth of information to help students get the start they need to be college ready.

The PreACT Secure is used in the Alabama Accountability model as the benchmark for growth in grades 9-12.