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Vision and Mission


Every student in Talladega County Schools will be a productive citizen, prepared for their unique future. 


Talladega County Schools, known for visionary culture and student-focused innovation, will lead the way by providing an equitable education for all students. We strive for continuous improvement by employing highly-qualified professionals who provide and enhance exceptional instruction, authentic learning experiences, supportive relationships, and community partnerships to prepare students for a successful future.


  • We believe all students can learn, experience academic growth, and become self-directed learners.
  • We believe all students deserve education in an emotionally and physically safe environment.
  • We believe all members of the school community should exhibit professionalism and integrity.
  • We believe students learn best when engaged in rigorous and authentic learning experiences.
  • We believe collaboration combined with commitment to continuous improvement results in positive outcomes.
  • We believe in utilizing the resources necessary to meet the unique needs of our stakeholders.
  • We believe that the strength of community and family establishes the foundation for learning.